When Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reached out to the White House with his discovery that a pre-hospital treatment of zinc, hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin reduced by 84 percent the number of his Covid patients needing to be admitted to the hospital, it was hailed as a treatment that could save hundreds of thousands of lives.
President Trump touted the treatment as a "game changer," but certain factions had other plans. The President's enemies didn't want him to get a win. Anthony Fauci, a member of the Leadership Advisory Team for the Bill & Melinda Gates' Foundation's "Decade of Vaccines," immediately downplayed the treatment and pushed for a vaccine instead, without ever disclosing his conflict of interest. Next thing you knew, a drug that's been prescribed nearly 100 million times in 65 years was widely reported as deadly.
What really happened in the medical community has not been made known by the legacy media - but in this interview you will be exposed to the truth. Dr. Zelenko explains what happened, offers his ideas on why it happened, and what the motivations have been. He also explains the Zelenko protocol and how it works.
Share this interview with everyone you love so they can hear the truth - information that very well may save their lives.